[Software] different scale setting for 2 monitors

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[Software] different scale setting for 2 monitors

#1 Post by 0xspidey »

Hello. I installed Debian,(X11) my previous operating system was Windows. I had two monitors with the following settings in Windows:

Laptop monitor: 1920x1080 scale %125,
and the other monitor connected via HDMI: 1360x768 scale %100

My question is how can I scale my laptop monitor to remain at 125 while the other stays at 100? When I increase the font size in gnome tweaks, it becomes extremely large on the second monitor and if I don't touch the font size, it's very small on the laptop monitor.

I tried these commands with xrandr but it didn't work:

Code: Select all

xrandr --output eDP-1 --mode 1920x1080 --scale 1.25

Code: Select all

xrandr --output HDMI-1-0 --mode 1360x768 --scale 1
I installed nvidia-driver too.

can anyone help me?

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Re: [Software] different scale setting for 2 monitors

#2 Post by juribel »

Tell us exactly which monitor has which native resolution, without scaling.

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