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Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 17:46
by dinxan
I'm trying to install a glib-2.57.2 tar.gz package from source. I downloaded the package, changed to the package’s directory and ran ./configure command but it returned > bash: ./configure: No such file or directory. What can be the problem? A file is located in the program folder.Please Help Me!!!
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 18:22
by arochester
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 18:30
by dinxan
Yes, of course.
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 19:33
by dinxan
Thank you for getting back to me so fast.The file i try to open is here:
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 19:36
by lindi
Why are you installing it from source?
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-15 19:39
by dinxan
I want to compile a code in GTK+3.
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-17 05:13
by NorthEast
Presumably the configure script is in the directory where you are trying to run it. Perhaps show bash the command by running:
Re: Can not run configure command: "No such file or directory"
Posted: 2023-12-24 04:21
by jlarocco
Their website says to build with meson.
Code: Select all
meson setup _build
meson compile -C _build
meson install -C _build