[HowTo] Fast and easy image upscaling

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[HowTo] Fast and easy image upscaling

#1 Post by PeterB »

Debian package xbrzscale can be used to upscale png files with good results.
Its quick, usually a second or two on files of modest size.

xBRZ is a new generation high-quality image file upscaling filter.
Better than simple filters and is especially good at upscaling
low-resolution pixel art such as icons, glyphs, cartoons & game tiles,
where there are areas of solid colour with sharp boundaries.
These are upscaled without introducing ragged or blurred edges.

xbrzscale is very easy to use, having no options.
It just takes one parameter, the upscaling factor (2-6),
plus the input and output file names.

Factors larger than 6 can be obtained by upscaling twice or more.
To use prime or fractional upscale factors, upscale to the next largest
integer value, and then downscale with a filter from gimp or imagemagick.

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Re: [HowTo] Fast and easy image upscaling

#2 Post by Hallvor »

Isn't this more of a tip rather than a how-to?
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Re: [HowTo] Fast and easy image upscaling

#3 Post by alice2024 »

whatever it was, it was helpful for me! thanks

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