SAR (System Activity Report)

Linux Kernel, Network, and Services configuration.
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SAR (System Activity Report)

#1 Post by jasonnix »

Does anyone have experience with SAR? I installed SAR, then I activated and executed it using the following commands

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# systemctl enable sysstat
# systemctl start sysstat
This program created the file /var/log/sysstat/sa21. I want to know if SAR is automatically recording system activities or need to write cron file?

Thank you.

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Re: SAR (System Activity Report)

#2 Post by NorthEast »

If /var/log/sysstat/sa21 is created, and sysstat is enabled in /etc/default/sysstat, and systemctl has enabled and started it, then a command like:
sar -u
would normally show output of the current CPU usage for the current day. If it's not working, the output will say that sysstat can't open the relevant file.

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