Are there any good loan calculators ?

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Are there any good loan calculators ?

#1 Post by Technologov »

Are there any good loan calculators ?
-Something with Spitzer tables aka "equal payments"
-preferably desktop GUI (Qt)
-preferably cross-platform (Windows + Linux) -- Android is a bonus !

NOTE: Debian package list returned zero results for keyword "loan" or "mortgage".

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Re: Are there any good loan calculators ?

#2 Post by mardybear »

The only thing i came across was gcalctool,which provides advanced and some financial functions. I would think your best resource would likely be a financial webpage - many, many financial number crunching calculators online. ...or since you want something off-line just customize a spreadsheet with your most commonly used forumulas. Googling 'equal payment calculator spreadsheet' provides lots of resources that you could probably implement into libreoffice.
800mhz, 512mb ram, dCore-jessie (Tiny Core with Debian Jessie packages) with BusyBox and Fluxbox.
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