Search found 108 matches

by lewulff
2024-09-04 22:35
Forum: General Debian
Topic: Would you recommend Debian to a brand new Linux user? Why/Why not?
Replies: 14
Views: 450

Re: Would you recommend Debian to a brand new Linux user? Why/Why not?

Before making any recommendations,l I would want to ascertain the persons overall computer literacy, and their willingness to get their hands dirty (so to speak). I have no problem recommending Debian to Windows Power Ninja Users, with the caveat that Linux is not Windows so don't expect it to behav...
by lewulff
2024-04-09 15:22
Forum: Beginners Questions
Topic: Which laptop do YOU run Debian on?
Replies: 34
Views: 4285

Re: Which laptop do YOU run Debian on?

I am using a MSI Raider GE76 (12th Gen I9 version) running KDE Plasma.The only issue I have experienced so far is choppy audio recording from USB mixer output (works fine with bluetooth, so it is a configuration issue I still need to run down). And suspend function is somewhat flaky also, but I don'...
by lewulff
2024-04-04 01:33
Forum: Beginners Questions
Topic: Filesystem for Apache with MariaDB for Web-based ERP
Replies: 3
Views: 342

Re: Filesystem for Apache with MariaDB for Web-based ERP

LVM, XFS, or BTFS should work, and make it easy to adjust drive size latter. With a single drive there is probably no hardware reason to chose one ove the other. Now would be a perfect time to create several smaller temporary VM's, and test out each of the file systems. You may find out you like one...
by lewulff
2024-04-01 01:29
Forum: Beginners Questions
Topic: Filesystem for Apache with MariaDB for Web-based ERP
Replies: 3
Views: 342

Re: Filesystem for Apache with MariaDB for Web-based ERP

Which hypervisor are you using? The file system does not really matter to Apache2 or MariaDB. It will depend on your needs. For example if you are using a single drive and doing regular backups, then EXT4 or LVM should work fine. If you need a degree of fault tolerance, fast recovery, or features li...
by lewulff
2024-04-01 01:14
Forum: Installation
Topic: [Solved] Bookworm grub will not boot proper to second OS
Replies: 13
Views: 896

Re: Bookworm grub not boot proper to second OS

Can you provide the contents of /etc/default/grub for both distros (not sure if it is in the same place in Mint)

Also, do you have efibootmgr installed (it is in the Debian bookworm repository, should also be available Mint)? If so can you run it and provide the output?
by lewulff
2024-03-21 00:41
Forum: System and Network configuration
Topic: Syntax error on line 24 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl
Replies: 2
Views: 615

Re: Syntax error on line 24 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl

Can you post your entire default-ssl file contents?

Note the actual file is probably in /etc/apache2/sites-avalbile
by lewulff
2024-03-21 00:36
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: [Off-Topic] The oldest file that you have in your possession?
Replies: 10
Views: 982

Re: [Off-Topic] The oldest file that you have in your possession?

The oldest files I have come from my Amiga 3000 backups. They are for a website I ran back between 1995 and 1998. They consist of some bitmap icons I did in DPaint and some html files. I ran them off the Alaska Public Library server at the branch in Juneau (had a dial up account with them and I thin...
by lewulff
2024-03-17 03:26
Forum: System and Network configuration
Topic: "Invisible" dirs on Samba share
Replies: 6
Views: 773

Re: "Invisible" dirs on Samba share

I have seen this issue a few times. The way I got around it was first checking ownership and permissions. Then I added browseable = Yes to the specific share configuration.
by lewulff
2024-03-17 03:02
Forum: Programming
Topic: partition table
Replies: 5
Views: 1976

Re: partition table

If you have sudo access, and parted is installed the following should print out the drive content in sector order, though it will use sizes spacing (KB, MB, GB) instead of sector numbers.

Code: Select all

sudo parted -l
by lewulff
2024-02-05 20:59
Forum: Hardware
Topic: NVIDIA laptop GPU is always unused
Replies: 4
Views: 522

Re: NVIDIA laptop GPU is always unused

This is going to depend on what environment you are using. Can you provide some additional informaiotn about what GUI you are using (KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc)?
by lewulff
2024-02-01 21:19
Forum: Hardware
Topic: [Solved] Wireless card - bad configuration or faulty hardware?
Replies: 5
Views: 734

Re: Wireless card - bad configuration or faulty hardware?

Question, has the case been opened previously?

My son had a similar type of problem on his AUSU laptop. Turned out the previous owner had left one side of the antenna not connected to the wifi card. He could see Access Points, but never connect to them.
by lewulff
2024-01-30 20:14
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: [Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy
Replies: 4
Views: 56649

Re: [Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy

I generally do not have issues either, except for that 8th generation NUC. Just the one computer.
by lewulff
2024-01-27 12:13
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: [Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy
Replies: 4
Views: 56649

Re: [Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy

Interesting. This is the first time I have seen it. What is also interesting is that the error does not occur on my Beelink computer.
by lewulff
2024-01-27 00:24
Forum: General Questions
Topic: applications absent in the menus but yet installed
Replies: 3
Views: 401

Re: applications absent in the menus but yet installed

The problem with menus is that many GUI environments (window manager and desktops) use different methods and different structures for their menu system. It wold be very hard to create a centralized menu updating program for all possible cases. However generally speaking most GUI environments have me...
by lewulff
2024-01-26 23:48
Forum: Installation
Topic: Your installation media couldn't be mounted
Replies: 4
Views: 2216

Re: Your installation media couldn't be mounted

Quick question, is there an existing Operating System on this laptop? And if so, do you want to keep it (aka dual boot)? If not, and you intend to wipe the drive completely, then I would suggest; Enter BIOS and reset to Default settings, then temporarily bump USB to top of boot list Boot from live d...
by lewulff
2024-01-13 09:10
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: [Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy
Replies: 4
Views: 56649

[Discussion] Debian 12 Memory issue when using Ventoy

Had an interesting issue crop up today. Was installing Debian 12 on an 8th generation Intel NUC from my Ventoy USB. Every time I hit install, I would get an out of memory error. Did not happen with Debian 11 or Debian Testing. Interestingly when I flashed the Debian 12 ISO directly to a USB Drive, t...
by lewulff
2024-01-03 23:29
Forum: Installation
Topic: Cannot boot after installation
Replies: 2
Views: 1706

Re: Cannot boot after installation

Just a thought , because I have seen this at least once. Are both of your drives GPT (you can check with fdisk -l)?
by lewulff
2023-12-25 22:55
Forum: Installation
Topic: [Solved] How to boot Debian from a USB hard drive using UEFI from different computers
Replies: 5
Views: 2232

Re: I upgraded my CPU and a UEFI Debian installation I have no longer works!

Have you tried the efibootmgr program? I tend to run multi boot systems, and have used efibootmgr to alter boot order in NVM, and to create new NVM boot entries.
by lewulff
2023-12-23 05:36
Forum: Beginners Questions
Topic: [Software] blackscreen after installing nvidia drivers
Replies: 3
Views: 7015

Re: [Software] blackscreen after installing nvidia drivers

Question, when using the nvidia drivers, did you try blacklisting the nouveau drivers?
by lewulff
2023-12-22 22:37
Forum: Installation
Topic: Install Debian Squeeze on Netgear Stora / Marvell board
Replies: 1
Views: 2311

Re: Install Debian Squeeze on Netgear Stora / Marvell board

If I read the reference correctly, you are using a process from 2012. It looks like you are also pulling packages form dropbox instead of an official repository. Not much I can offer in the way of help. But to answer your question about .deb files, those are packages. At low levels they can be insta...